Monday, January 16, 2006


And here I am, back from the land of viral fevers - funny how this blog, as my creation, feels a bit like a child, and my not having written anything (and therefore having neglected it) for quite a while now makes me feel rather like a guilty mother! Anyone else know what I mean?

This new year's been very weird - for the first time in quite a while there was no excitement leading up to the 31st, no 'what will I be doing', no festive feeling - perhaps that's because last year was easily the worst (and the best, my marriage being the one thing that saved my sanity and kept me whole) in my entire life - friends and family reading this will know just what I'm talking about. So I certainly wasn't in any partying spirit - all I could pray for most fervently was that things would improve with the dawning of 2006 - though, of course, the cynic in me couldn't see how moving from one day to the next could make all the difference in the world. I mean, this Gregorian calendar is an artificial, cultural construct - the Bengali calendar, for instance, is completely different. New Year's going to happen only in April for us Bongs. And the fact that Delhi's been so miserably, unnaturally cold didn't help.

Then, of course, I went and got viral fever and so ushered in the new year from bed, with a temperature that alternated between 100 and 103 degrees. Oh yes, and I watched this thriller called Final Destination 2, which was all about these people escaping death and then Death (yes, that mean guy with a capital 'D') hunting them down and kicking their asses (as Ross would say in Friends). But my good deed for the year where my own self is concerned has been joining the gym where my husband works out a week back - something I've wanted to do for quite a while now - so last week saw me huffing and puffing away at all these clanking machines (some I feel positively terrified of), staring enviously at nicely toned and far stronger people around, and doing some more huffing and puffing in a bit to join their ranks as soon as I can. And I'm a mass of aches at the moment and letting out these screeches if I even so much as lift my arm - I never even knew I had all these muscles in all these spots!

But don't be fooled by my moaning - gyms are good places. And highly addictive besides.