Monday, July 31, 2006


I've recently been beseiged by complaints stating that my blog posts are always 'angry' and 'serious', and that I never write 'happy posts'. Now I know the correct reponse to such accusations is: 'it's MY blog, my own personal space, and I shall write what I choose, so there!' But I choose not to be that rude, since the ones making the complaints are friends, people whose opinions I solicit and value. So here's my take on the situation - if by 'happy posts' is meant lighthearted anecdotes about people in the office or what I had for lunch yesterday, I cannot oblige. When I began this blog, I wanted this to be a space where I talk about what touches me, issues that I consider serious, problems that I wanted to bring to the fore and incite discussions. I did not want this to be a personal diary of sorts - because, as my friends can testify, I'm a rather private person who emphatically does not want her life to be put on display for the whole world to gawk at. Not that I'm judging those whose blogs are well-maintained diaries of their innermost thoughts - I'm simply not one of them.

Unfortunately, we live in a world that's far from perfect - I think I can safely presume that everyone will agree with me. Rather more unfortunately, I happen to live in one of the most imperfect cities in this already way-too-imperfect world - New Delhi. It's the city which has had the dubious distinction of having made it to the cover story of Outlook, which focused on everything that was wrong with it - and everyday life in Delhi is nothing short of a battle and series of disillusionments. Unless you are deaf, blind, or utterly insensitive and stupid, you cannot but help noticing things that bother you, things that place you on the road to cynicism. I could, of course, leave such things be and write instead about the antics of my kittens - who are absolutely adorable, and a tiny demolition squad in themselves. I could go on and on about how gorgeous my solemn little Aslan is, how hyperactive the quirky little Piglet is, or how mischievous the little monkey of an Ariel is - and tales of their mother, my lovely Moody Cat, could take up several posts. But I'd be boring everyone, wouldn't I? (And that's a rhetorical question - the first person to say my kittens are boring will be in big trouble! Seriously, let me know - if anyone's interested, I'll put up a few pictures of my little ones.) But I took the decision to write about less pleasant subjects, for the simple reason that these are the topics that are never thought about, and not talked about all that often. And I invite debate and dissension in response - in fact, the more opinions, the more thoughts on the subject, the merrier!

And then, while I was pondering about such issues, the government, in a colossally stupid move that they're now blaming the ISPs for, went and banned blogsites, thereby depriving me and all other bloggers of their personal space, and daring to presume that some bureaucrat somewhere actually has the right to decide what we should or should not say where, when, how and why. And now that I have my space back, I'd rather have it stay the way I want, and write what I want to write about - who knows, someone somewhere might just decide to play God with our fundamental rights and take it away all over again, so I should just make the most of my time, shouldn't I?

Parting shot for the whiners - my next post will be an update on my one of favourite television shows, Desperate Housewives. Chortle, chortle. *Rubs hands in glee* Wait for it!


Anonymous said...

I just happened to mention to sis that you've written a new post and guess what her instant reaction was "so who is she criticising this time" .hahahahhaha. But we love the way you demolish everyone and everything :) And do write about Moody and her demolition squad too. I'd love to read.

ambrosia said...

Hi! This morning in a discussion I had with someone on Rang De Basanti, I concluded it by making sure that the person had a link to your post on the same :-)

I agree with you that interspersing your space with the antics of your CUTE LITTLE cat and kittens will definitely make it more colourful (I mean your writing is already very colorful), so.... yeah will look forward to pictures of mother Moody Cat and her cute litter.

Your blog makes for solid reference points, keep writing :-)

A very cool cat said...

You guys are so great. I love you both. :)))) Thanks for the chin-up, both of you, and double thanks for your interest in my cats! So - one post on cats definitely coming up!

And Ambrosia, thanks so much for advertising my blog the way you're doing - am really glad to know you like my demolitions! (Hey - so the kittens and I are not all that different, huh?)

Anonymous said...

Hey there!!

It's not about writing or critcizing the imperfect world...i believe readers and writers connect..You probably have done lot of work dealing with women issues , you can always share those experiences with ppl and may be make them more aware(and hence more aware socially), why do blogs always have to be a constant reminder of this imperefect world,screwed up TV shows?? All said and done,it's just a suggestion and i fully agree with the fact that it's your personal virtual space....


Anonymous said...

Great to have you back! Your posts are about some specific topic rather than just an airing of your daily woes or highs. Whichever! And they are passionate. Whether I agree with you or not, I respect the passion you bring to the topic you discuss and the research and thought that goes into the writing of the post. So do keep on posting.

...would love to meet the demolition squad. :)

Unknown said...

Blogging is a deeply personal exercise. So you write what you want to write. Period. I know for a fact that I am one person who has asked you to write occasional "happy" posts simply because almost all your posts so far have the same underlying thread...that life and the world we live in so horribly flawed. A worldview I dont agree with. Mind you, the word I have used is "occasional". Because interspersing positive and negative posts might turn out to be an interesting experience for you as a blogger and also for us, the readers of your blog.

Now although I know (oh yes I do) for a fact that we live in an imperfect world, I choose to highlight its imperfections in my blog very rarely. The primary reason for this is:
At the end of my usual long and exhausting day, there is nothing that can make me write a post that has the potential to depress me further. I already battle a mentally taxing job, Delhi's transport woes, a huge number of friends, family, and a myriad other professional interests that keep me awake and on my toes the whole day. I know the same must be true of my readers, each of whom are smart and sensitive enough to battle their share of troubles on an everyday basis and so I for a fact do not need to act as their conscience keeper. They have plenty to take care of their own. I would rather write posts that have the ability to put me in a positive frame of mind, and remind me that yes life is full of chaos and flaws, but what the hell, you're only given one life at the end of the day, make the most of it. So I could be writing about my kind of books or my travel experiences, post pictures of cities I have recently visited, or launch an interactive game for my friends on my blog. The purpose of my blog, rather my website, since I officially advertise my blog as one, is to present my worldview, which on most days is rather optimistic. And even if it isn't it's not something I would burden my readers with.

A very cool cat said...

Shantanu - Your first comment! :) I know you hated the Man's World post - you told me so! And that's the only screwed-up TV show I've posted on! But yes, your idea of writing on my experiences with the women's movement is an interesting one - shall definitely keep it in mind. Actually, the women's movement, when viewed from the inside, is so fraught with it's own tensions and factions, that there's a strong possibility that any post on that might end up being gloomy. *sighs* But shall keep your thought in mind.

Anindita - thanks for the support! :) And yes, you shall hear - and see - more of the demolition squad!

Woodsmoke - I think your first line summed it up pretty succintly. Which is a point I've made in this post of mine too - I unfortunately feel the need to highlight what's wrong, talk about it, see if we can make it right. By doing so I'm by no means acting as anyone's 'conscience keeper' - I have never, in any post, presumed to speak on anyone's behalf. As Anindita put it, it's not about agreeing or disagreeing, but about respect. You've stated the rationale to keep your blog the way it is clearly - and I both understand and respect that. And that, in return, is all I ask of my readers - as this discussion will have made amply clear, I respect your opinions just as much.

Azahar Machwe said...

Life everywhere is in its own private hell. When you say life in delhi is hard... tell me where it is not hard?
I think you are right by posting serious things on your blog but maybe the only thing people are saying is that dont just write serious stuff. Dont just tell initiate debate about an issue... now and then (maybe every full moon!) you could post something nice or unusual that happened to you, a joke or even pictures of ur kittens (i would love to see the pics!) just to refresh people for the next debate!


A very cool cat said...

You're right, of course, Azahar, when you say that life is hard wherever you are. I suppose what I was trying to emphasise is the fact that (at this point in time, certainly) Delhi appears to have no redeeming features at all. But, yes, I shall try and lighten the mood now and then (actually, I didn't really consider my book reviews, or the Harry Potter film review, or even the post on Desperate Housewives 'serious', 'angry', what have you, but maybe perceptions differ). Really glad to know so many of you want to hear more about my kittens - there will be a post, complete with pictures, very soon! :)

Anonymous said...


Actually woodsmoke summed up whatever i wanted to say...waiting for your next blog ;-).

Take Care

A very cool cat said...

So then all you need to do is check out my response to Woodsmoke to see what my thoughts on the matter are.

As for next post - at the earliest.

ambrosia said...

My feeling is that blog is at least one space where we could afford to not worry about what others would like to hear - we can write or document the way we have planned it out or not planned it out. Some have a plan, some dont, different people have different plans.... and it goes on. It is interesting how each blog speaks, I mean speaks of those personalities they represent - some reveal hidden traits, some reinforce others..... the critical thing is to surf and enjoy :) In the role of a surfer we have vast choice, the same us in the role of a blog writer would like to focus - I hope I made sense!

A very cool cat said...

Kajal - thanks for that spirited defence of one's right to blog as one chooses! :) But noir? And my blog? You flatter me.

Ambrosia - thanks again, and yes, you did make a lot of sense! But then, you always do! :)

Anonymous said...

"everyday life in Delhi is nothing short of a battle and series of disillusionments. Unless you are deaf, blind, or utterly insensitive and stupid, you cannot but help noticing things that bother you, things that place you on the road to cynicism."

You couldn't have said it better! I agree with you every inch of the way. I'm just back from England, and I'm having trouble believing how different the worlds are! Not in a good-or-bad kind of way, but just different. It was like going to Eternity and back. Jet lag feels like Homesick Syndrome! (Which reminds me, we HAVE to meet!!)

And you're right, it's your space, you write what you like. Frankly, if you were going on about how lovely everything is, I doubt I'd be coming back to read ;-)!

Looking forward to your Despo Housewives post! I saw the entire Grey's Anatomy, first season, in two sittings the other day, and am full of it! Want to exchange?!

Azahar Machwe said...

Hehehe nice twists n turns to this debate...
I think the simple issue was Cool Cat asking people for some feedback and also for people to come up with a few ideas about what they would like to read about... maybe the same way a singer asks the crowd what song they would like to hear?

As far as free speech and blogging without caring for what people say is concerned... I guess the second you make your blog public you get exposed to public opinion about it... once that happens isn't it impossible to suggest that you never got influenced at all... that somehow you remain independent...
It is not that anyone has given people posting their comments any liberties... but the fact is a person who requires/tolerates no feedback is often a person with a closed mind thinking in a vaccume..

And Kajal, just a bit curious, what does 'pre-apocalyptic noir reality' mean to you?
"Thought requires an intellectual payout, comment is for free."
Really like this line...
But how do you diffrentiate between the two?

Swetank Gupta said...

Hey! I guess I shall be repeating what most of the others have said, but it's you and only you who decides what goes on your blog. No one else has a say in the matter. And that's what makes one respect you - a belief in what you do, while at the same time acknowledging a difference in perspectives.

I've never had a pet. Never. Earlier I was scared of dogs, now I'm in a hostel. So it'll be sometime before I can even think of having one, but your descripition will be a strong factor in deciding whether I have one or not. :)

And I'd love to hear about them all, Piglet, Aslan (C S Lewis?), Ariel and Moody. Do post the pics as well. Will help us relate better. :P

The government banning blogs was one of the most outrageous things I've ever heard of, and that too to bring down terrorism. Blasphemous! To top that, they don't ban blogs that talk of any such things, they simply randomly ask ISPs to do it, and I could still visit half a dozen blogs but not mine or of some friends. It was so sickening, the feeling of helplessness.

The thing is that at that time, everybody was so angry with the government for this, and the reservation controversy, but as things and life return to normal, people (that includes me) just move on, because it does not concern them immediately, and forget about the blatant wrongs done. Your blog is a pleasant change in that sense, that you take a different stand, that you do not placate people, that even reviews you do are not simply - 'It was an amazing movie/book'.

I really admire this, as well as the coherence of thoughts in your posts, the way you put your point across without going on and on like I've been doing. :)

So, I'll be off now and wait for the next thought provoking post.

Take care

A very cool cat said...

Azahar - Yes, interesting discussion, isn't it? Am very pleased.

Payal - You're back!!! Goody! Was missing you - good to have you back on my blog! And what would I do without friends like you - and new readers like Swetank - who like my rantings! *sniff sniff*
And yes, we absolutely HAVE to meet, and soon. When? And yes, do let's exchange notes on Gray's Anatomy - I've watched it all too, though not in two sittings!

Swetank - Thanks so much! :) Am really glad you like my blog, and that you keep coming back for more! I will write about my pets, and hopefully it will inspire you to get a pet of your own some day - let's see. And yes, Aslan is from Narnia - he looked just like a little lion cub (albeit a grey one) when he was a tiny baby.
And as for the blogging controversy, you're so right. I hate that people just forgot about it and moved on - you've hit the nail on the head, you know, apathy is the primary reason why things never improve in India. my husband was bang in the middle of all the controversy, and he was pretty appalled when even the bloggers who had formed a 'collective' and were hollering for a PIL quitened down and slunk off when things came back to 'normal'.

And everyone - I know I've been promising a lot of posts and posting nothing at all - sorry! Will write something at the earliest, I promise!